BREAKING NEWS: The remnants of Hurricane Sandy have reached the Pittsburgh area and zombie looters have taken over Parkway Center Mall. See this EXCLUSIVE news report from Benstonium News Network — “Always Late. Always Breaking.” This Production is Brought to You By Excuses Bar & Grill ( Writing/Creative nod to Chris Katella
Trying to appeal to the younger voter, the GOP re-animated Ronald Reagan into Hologram form for a special appearance at the 2012 Republican National Convention. Apparently Hologram Tupac was booked. (Creative Credit to Bethany Trenk)
If the 2012 Buccos were a sitcom in the early 70s, this is what it would look like. Parody of the intro to the Brady Bunch, with the 2012 Pittsburgh Pirates.
In 2012, Ross Morgan planned a party at parents’ house. A few days later, the party went viral. Movie trailer parody of “Project X” with the viral party/hashtag #RossMorganRager. Coming This Saturday.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is taking down “bounty” violators left and right. He now has his own TV reality show, “Rog The Bounty Hunter”. Here is the intro sequence.
Parody of the Cialis commercials featuring the New England Patriots and their deflated balls. You’re headed to the Super Bowl, but your game still feels