The Port Authority asked Benstonium to create an ad campaign to promote the grand opening of their big budget North Shore Connector project. After doing some research on the project, here is what we send back to them. We hope it’s what they had in mind!
A local Pittsburgh news interview with a man charged for robbery at Ross Mark Mall quickly turns into a Geico Commercial. Original News Story:
Pens forward Arron Asham stars in this NEW commercial by Skittles. It makes you wonder, what the f#$@ were the Skittles marketing people (and Jay Beagle) thinking.
Imported from Pittsburgh. Made of Steel. Using the concept of ads from Chrysler, which boast their products being “Imported From Detroit”, this pump-up video shows that like the 2011 Penguins, it’s much better to be Imported from Pittsburgh.
The latest addition to the series of Benstonium promo videos featuring Rob from Bar 11 in the South Side. The Benstonium guys continue their takeover of the Burgh n’at.
The second in a series of Benstonium promo videos featuring Bubba from the Star 100.7 Morning Show. The Benstonium guys enjoyed some free beers dahn at Mullen’s, or so they thought.
Parody of the Cialis commercials featuring the New England Patriots and their deflated balls. You’re headed to the Super Bowl, but your game still feels