The Luke Bryan tailgate turns into an epic WWE brawl, as one drunk concertgoer battles the reigning champion, gravity & the effects of alcohol. Footage courtesy of WPXI
Benstonium produced a series of informative videos for the social media site Steel City Buzz. In this version, Mr. Pigskin learns the Rules of Conduct for using the Steel City Buzz app.
BREAKING NEWS: The remnants of Hurricane Sandy have reached the Pittsburgh area and zombie looters have taken over Parkway Center Mall. See this EXCLUSIVE news report from Benstonium News Network — “Always Late. Always Breaking.” This Production is Brought to You By Excuses Bar & Grill ( Writing/Creative nod to Chris Katella
Trying to appeal to the younger voter, the GOP re-animated Ronald Reagan into Hologram form for a special appearance at the 2012 Republican National Convention. Apparently Hologram Tupac was booked. (Creative Credit to Bethany Trenk)
In 2012, Ross Morgan planned a party at parents’ house. A few days later, the party went viral. Movie trailer parody of “Project X” with the viral party/hashtag #RossMorganRager. Coming This Saturday.
The Port Authority asked Benstonium to create an ad campaign to promote the grand opening of their big budget North Shore Connector project. After doing some research on the project, here is what we send back to them. We hope it’s what they had in mind!
A local Pittsburgh news interview with a man charged for robbery at Ross Mark Mall quickly turns into a Geico Commercial. Original News Story:
Benstonium wonders what it would be like if everything was filmed in the Burgh. See how the movie Titanic might have played out if it were filmed in the Burgh.
Benstonium re-imagines classic films as if they were “Made In The Burgh”. In this iconic scene from A Clockwork Orange, the visual stimulation of some of Pittsburgh’s most despised moments proves too much for yinzer Alex.
Hype video for the start of the Pittsburgh Penguins’ 2022-23 season. Let’s Go Pens! Created by Benstonium Contributor Alissa Cardone Subscribe: