Benstonium Exclusive: A pre-made Hines Ward farewell tribute video was leaked out of the Steelers’ Media Office this past weekend…seems like they knew his fate all along. As it appears from the video, the Steelers are already preparing for a PR backlash when the time comes to make a decision about Ward, pushing most of […]
In this semi-true account of a fictional meeting between Jaromir Jagr and Coach Bylsma, the highly-sought-after, over-the-hill Czech and his trusty agent Petr Svoboda, listen to the head coach’s argument for why he should play in Pittsburgh.
The Burgh’s most trusted handyman/jagoff finds himself at PNC Park in a life or death situation involving two Pittsburgh icons and only enough time to save one. It won’t be the baseball team that implodes if he doesn’t put down his Irons and get focused, as things are about to blow up faster than Lloyd […]
Guess who’s in trouble again? Big Ben is tied up somewhere in Heinz Field and in thirty seconds he will either be blown apart, or further suspended. Jagruber has the unfortunate job of saving the problem-plagued Pro-Bowler, but will Jagruber’s everflowing blonde mullet become a bigger distraction than Ben’s off-field antics?
Benstonium re-imagines classic films as if they were “Made In The Burgh”. In this iconic scene from A Clockwork Orange, the visual stimulation of some of Pittsburgh’s most despised moments proves too much for yinzer Alex.
When a die-hard Pens fan gets dumped by his girlfriend, he developes a rare speech impediment called Mike Lange-itis, also known as The Mike Lange Syndrome.
Hype video for the start of the Pittsburgh Penguins’ 2022-23 season. Let’s Go Pens! Created by Benstonium Contributor Alissa Cardone Subscribe: