This week’s Benstonium Minute, Nathan takes another look at the Steelers/Bengals game and gives his Top 5 “Things He’d Rather Do Than Be An Eagles Fan”.
A segment from Benstonium 2009 TV show pilot. After Benstonium misunderstood the plans of “shooting a pilot”, the Benstonium guys speak out on cable news about their ironic ordeal.
In a shocking turn of events, Jaromir Jagr ripped off his New Jersey Devils jersey and joined Shawn Michaels, Chyna and the Pittsburgh Penguins during tonight’s game.
Created by Benstonium Contributor Alissa Cardone. Footage from Tim Oxenreiter. We are Pittsburgh strong. This video was created to remind us that we are not alone. We remember the lives that were lost, and will continue to fight.
The second in a series of Benstonium promo videos featuring Bubba from the Star 100.7 Morning Show. The Benstonium guys enjoyed some free beers dahn at Mullen’s, or so they thought.
The latest addition to the series of Benstonium promo videos featuring Rob from Bar 11 in the South Side. The Benstonium guys continue their takeover of the Burgh n’at.