Created by Benstonium Contributor Christopher Mollet It’s a Hockey Night in the ‘Burgh! Penguins take on the Bruins tonight. Let’s Go Pens!
The first 10,000 fans at tonight’s Buccos game will receive a free team garbage bag. Look like the team on the field with a Buccos brand garbage bag!
Movie poster parody of Disney’s “Homeward Bound: The incredible Journey” featuring the Steelers’ wide receiver.
For the 21st straight year, the film Sudden Death will NOT receive a well-deserved Oscar nomination.
Six years ago, the Penguins played their last game at Mellon / Civic Arena. Here’s the collage that was created for the Benstonium tribute video in 2010.
Coach Tomlin addresses Steelers Nation, “Obviously”.
Mario Lemieux as The Godfather of the Penguins, based on the A&E show The Godfather of Pittsburgh.
In the first ever debate among Pittsburgh sports mascots, the Pirate Parrot takes the podium.